Alex came to me, super passionate about supporting families through birth and postpartum. She's a single mom of 2 little boys and her finances were strapped really tight. Becoming a doula would create a HUGE increase in her income! She explained to me that she was all fired up to start training as a doula, so she could make a difference in the world, but when she saw how much it would cost, "it felt like a wet blanket". Her ability to pay for doula training was just not there. She was so disappointed. But! I am glad she contacted us, because I had some ideas and solutions for how to pay for doula training. And now, I'd like to share them with you!
One of the reasons we offer doula training payment plans is for doulas-to-be like Alex, who are valuable members of this next generation of doulas, is because we recognize that paying for doula training education can be tricky and intimidating. Our payment plans allow you to get a deposit down, and then make smaller payments over the course of a few months, to make reaching these goals more attainable. Occasionally, we even break a deposit in half, so that a student can afford to just get going. After the full deposit is received, the curriculum materials go out, to decrease the waiting.
We STRONGLY believe that money should never be a wall between you and your calling. Our main purpose for existing is to equip as many amazing, effective doulas as possible to get out there, and make a difference as an army of change!
Let's talk about investment. When you invest in something, the idea is that it will eventually not only pay you back what you spent, but it will pay you back even MORE as time goes on. Well, education is definitely an investment, but doula training? What an opportunity! You can get trained and certified for LESS than the fees you will charge your first paying client. This is basically an instant return on your investment (and then some!)
How long will it take you to complete the certification process? 2-3 months on average, or 2-3 weeks if you really hustle and apply for the 90 day provisional certificate - that allows you into hospitals while you complete the evaluation phase.
Another option that people ask us about fairly often is scholarships. We do offer partial scholarships a few times a year. However, we no longer offer full scholarships. The reason we don't, is that we want you to have some "skin in the game", so to speak. Most people value things less when they get it for free. It's human nature. So, when you have your own investment in your education, you will value it to a greater degree. Paying for doula training is worth it!
SO! We offer partial scholarships, we offer payment plans for doula training, but are there any other ways to help you get funding? Yes!
Here is a link to a great article on crowd funding:
If you have the will, we believe you will find the way.
We are over here with big hearts, so let us know about your dreams, and we can help support you in any way we can! Maybe we can even find ways to get you a discount within our own pricing structure. You'll never know if you don't ask! It's definitely worth it. Use the contact form at the bottom of this page to connect with us and someone will get back to you about paying for your doula training!
