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Would you like to know how to help your clients to successfully process insurance claims for reimbursement? This can be a major selling point, but finding the codes and requirements can be complicated. Learn from an insider about how to navigate this important aspect of your practice.


Families who can access health insurance funds to help them pay for labor and postpartum doula, childbirth education and lactation support are much more likely to use those services.  So let's make it more accessible for them to do so!  Knowledge and support is part of the way we can positively impact birthing families around the globe.  


When you have the skills and knowledge to help your clients navigate the complex and often times daunting world of insurance claims, you will bring a higher level of value to the services your families depend on you for.


Enroll and receive this 3 hour class with a claims processing insider, who will break down the mysteries and provide resources, codes and formatting that can help you succeed.  This class will go in depth on the how-to's and what-to's of preparing documentation and claims for client insurance reimbursement.  


"This class is a must-have for all currently practicing doulas and lactation support people. Your bottom line will never be the same."  


"Being able to offer assistance to my mamas with this process helped me to connect with more families"


Once you know, you know.  So don't miss this up-to-date, super valuable advanced skills training from MaternityWise !!

Doulas and Insurance Claims


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    Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm EST

    Closed during all bank and government holidays.

    929-547-9473 (WISE)



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