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Study Group Leaders

Thank you for joining the team of leaders within MaternityWise International.  We are so grateful for your support.  Your passion for education warms our hearts and fills us with inspiration!


Please go through this agreement, fill out your information and digitally sign it at the end. Once we receive your submission, your access to the study group schedule sign-up sheet will be sent to you.

Study Group Leader Agreement

This agreement is entered into between MaternityWise Institute International, herein referred to as MWI and YOU, herein referred to as the Study Group Leader (SGL), for the purpose of providing support to students through MWI. 


The SGL agrees to the following: 


  1. The SGL will collaborate with MWI staff to determine the course outline, study content, methods of presentation and handouts for study sessions.

  2. The SGL will work with MWI to ensure that study content is culturally sensitive and promotes practical competence.

  3. The SGL will contact students via MWI Facebook group prior to the study to announce and confirm the dates, time and other information related to the study activities. 

  4. The SGL will immediately notify MWI of any changes in circumstances which would prohibit or reduce the capacity of the SGL to carry out the obligation and activities outlined in this contract. 

  5. The SGL agrees to submit content outline, bibliography, resource list (if applicable) and proposed handouts of any additional information given to students outside of provided materials, for approval by MWI according to the timeline for submission of 30 days prior to study. In all cases the content will be customized to MWI. SGL is NOT required to create or provide these, but if such content is created, it is representative of MWI and will need to be approved prior to use.

  6. The SGL must be familiar with copyright laws governing IPRs, Copyrights and Patents, and including the use of citations and must obtain written permission from the appropriate publisher, author or distribution before including any material covered by such laws, or use as a visual aid during the workshop. The SGL provides complete citations when referring to sources outside of curriculum materials. 

  7. The SGL agrees to arrive on time and conclude sessions on time, allowing a buffer prior to the end of scheduled time to answer student questions. 

  8. If the SGL is unable to complete a portion or all of the activities listed herein due to illness or other unavoidable personal circumstances, the MWI reserves the right to either replace with another SGL, reschedule the session to another time, or to void this contract and enter into contract with a substitute SGL.

  9. The SGL understands it is the policy of MWI not to give any kind of personal endorsements to solicit external sales without prior written agreement with MWI. The SGL will not sell or promote own organization, products, materials, or additional workshops. The SGL will not use verbal or written comments from evaluations, letters etc., as individual endorsements without express written permission from student and MWI. 

  10. The SGL will have access to the MWI Zoom account and will not share log in information with anyone who does not have written express permission to access.  SGL will not use the MWI Zoom account for any activity outside of hosting MWI study groups.

  11. The SGL will represent only MWI and no other organization or agency, when involved with the MWI student for doing any activity of mentoring, study or related. 

  12. The SGL agrees to perform the services described herein as an Independent Contractor and attests that he/she is not an employee of MWI. SGL shall indemnify and hold MWI, its officers, agents, and employees harmless from and against all claim and costs (including attorney’s fees) for loss or damage to property, or injury, or death to any and all persons, or any course of action of whatever nature that may arise out of or during the performance of this contract. 

  13. Study materials developed by the SGL and specifically funded by the MWI are considered a work for hire, and the sole property of MWI. Study materials include, but are not limited to texts, curricula, outlines, handouts, booklets, and all formats of digital, audio, video intellectual property, etc. 

  14. SGL agrees to attend staff meetings, audio or video conference calls or the SGL to meet with their supervisor to understand organizational updates, and/or changing student needs as appropriate. 

  15. SGL shall not engage, and shall not cause their personal as well as their sub-agencies and their persons to engage, either directly or indirectly, in any activities, professional or otherwise, with the MWI students that would be considered in conflict with the activities assigned to them under this contract. 

  16. SGL shall send all detailed feedback, within 24 hours of completion of the study group whenever the need for escalation of an issue arises. Text summary to Director immediately, so the student may receive prompt assistance. 

  17. The SGL would not work with the MWI students for which he/she has been assigned to, directly, for minimum of 2 years after the completion contract, in any of the taught skill areas without express written permission from MWI. In case the SGL learns of an opportunity in the public domain or is approached via another vendor directly, the source of the same must be communicated to MWI so that we are sufficiently updated to manage our relationship with students, SGL and industry partners.



MWI agrees to the following: 


  1. MWI will compensate SGL for completion of activities outlined in this contract and SGL Job Duties PDF. Compensation includes free admission to any / all future Advanced Skills Programs - not certification programs, for the duration of SGL’s continued participating in leading groups and providing student support. 

  2. MWI will promote growth within its organization, assisting development of new and extension curricula, as well as courses that SGL may conceive to be used within MWI.  These activities shall be covered under a separate contractual agreement, as projects are developed.

  3. MWI will provide technical assistance to the SGL as needed in the development and formulation of study content and in implementation of study activities. 

  4. Virtual Study platforms will be provided through Zoom and / or within the MWI home website.


MWI reserves the right to cancel or modify this agreement at any time prior to a study session being held should registration activity, low enrollment or other circumstance fail to justify implementation of the study activities outlined herein. MWI will immediately notify the SGL of any such change. 

Your Information and Signature

Sign to Agree

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Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm EST


Closed during all bank and government holidays.


929-547-9473 (WISE)



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