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“My doula group was so impressed by the content and professionalism of our training.  We all work side by side and our level of care are above and beyond our competitors now. Thanks!”

- Donna M.

“When I signed up for the online program, I met my mentor right away and she was really helpful all the way through and even after I finished.”

- Kim J.

“Thank you for making such a big difference in my doula practice.  I feel like I'm a much better doula now, after going through your program!”

- Amy W.  



When you become a part of the MaternityWise family,  you have what we call a "Chain of Support" to help you along the way.  This begins with your peers.  Those are the other students in your workshop or online group. The next level in your Chain of Support is your mentor or trainer, and then your state representative.  If you still need assistance, please contact the main office and we will connect you with the Solutions Officer.






If you have a concern as a consumer or colleague, please contact our main office to discuss your situation and ways we can help you.


We will ask for a written account of any grievance or concern.  Once that is received, we will contact the parties involved for response.  You will be kept "in the loop" as we gather all pertinent information.  As we make recommendations, you will be notified.  All decisions made by the Advisory Board and Solutions Officer are final.






We are happy to verify any certification status.  Please use the form below.  Type in the name listed on the certificate in question, and we will authenticate their credentialing status within 1-2 business days.



Verification of Status

Thanks! We’ll send you a verification email within 1-2 business days.

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Opening hours

Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm EST


Closed during all bank and government holidays.


929-547-9473 (WISE)



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